Limited work operation in Erba Lachema
Dear customers,
we would like to inform you that our production site Erba Lachema will have limited work operation from December 24th 2020 till January 4th 2021. Production part will be closed, however customer service, warehouse and transport will be... Full text »

ERBA Mannheim promise to deliver unrivalled affordability and technology in a burst of new product launches at this year’s AACC.
ERBA Mannheim promise to deliver unrivalled affordability and technology in a burst of new product launches at this year’s AACC.
New product launches across Hematology, Clinical Chemistry and Immunology specialties
An exclusive unveiling of the Erba Mannheim next-gen, advanced automation... Full text »

ERBA Mannheim to unveil NEXUS next generation automation at AACC 2019
New affordable, modular, mid-scale clinical chemistry, immunoassay and hematology range with sample selection and transport systems, making powerful automation accessible to growing labs
Hematology system uses unique combination of ultra-high definition imaging, artificial intelligence (AI) and traditional methods to analyse... Full text »

Dear customers,
please be advised, that Erba Lachema isclosed for Christmas between December 22nd 2018 and January 2nd, 2019. We can dispatch last cooled deliveries by air on Wednesday, December 19th, non cooled deliveries on Thursday, December 20th, 2018. Please provide... Full text »

MEDICA 2017 - Hall 3 / A74
Dear customers and business partners,
also this year, Erba Diagnostics Mannheim will participate as usual at MEDICA, the world's leading trade fair for the medical industry, in Düsseldorf, Germany. We would like to invite you to our booth located in Hall... Full text »

50 Years of Erba Lachema
We are happy to announce that Erba Lachema is celebrating 50th anniversary of clinical diagnostic services this year. It was back in 1967 when the company launched its first clinical diagnostic product under Lachema name – the BIOLATEST® for determination... Full text »

ERBA Diagnostics Mannheim Acquires Lumora
ERBA Diagnostics Mannheim GmbH, a global in vitro diagnostics company, announced on September 7th that it has completed the acquisition of Lumora, a provider of state-of-the-art molecular diagnostic products for the clinical and industrial markets. Financial terms were not disclosed.... Full text »

Erba Lachema is proud to announce the launch of new Microbiology product: single strip MIC kits.
This product allows the user to create its own ATB combination or it enables to expand current preselected MIC panels.
Currently there are 21... Full text »

Erba Lachema is happy to inform that new kits for determination of minimum inhibitory ATB concentration have been released.
The kits are based on microdilution method which provils quantitative evaluation of susceptibility / resistence to antibiotik using a scale of... Full text »

Erba Lachema has launched the Premier Hb 9210 analyzer
Erba Lachema has launched at the Congress of Clinical Biochemistry in Olomouc sale and distribution of cutting-edge devices for glycated hemoglobin - Premier Hb 9210. Full text »