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Advisory notices:
|18.03.2025| AN_2025_09_ Discontinuation of ELite Erba Clenz kit
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|02.12.2020| Limited work operation in Erba Lachema
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Limited work operation in Erba Lachema

Dear customers, we would like to inform you that our production site Erba Lachema will have limited work operation from December 24th 2020 till January 4th 2021. Production part will be closed, however customer service, warehouse and transport will be... Full text >

ERBA Mannheim promise to deliver unrivalled affordability and technology in a burst of new product launches at this year’s AACC.

ERBA Mannheim promise to deliver unrivalled affordability and technology in a burst of new product launches at this year’s AACC. New product launches across Hematology, Clinical Chemistry and Immunology specialties An exclusive unveiling of the Erba Mannheim next-gen, advanced automation... Full text >

From our events


As always, Erba Mannheim took part in MEDICA fair in Düsseldorf this year. We´d like to thank all our clients and distributors for visiting us there. Looking forward to see you all soon again.

Microbiology training in Chisinau, Moldova.

Erba Lachema and Imunotehnomed, Erba´s Moldavian distributor, organised a microbiology training in Chisinau, Moldova. Our product manager introduced the participants to Erba’s semi-automated microbiology system, which is used for microorganism identification and susceptibility testing. The seminar included both, theoretical and...
From our events: | MEDICA 2018 | As always, Erba Mannheim took part in MEDICA fair...
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